Saturday, April 4, 2009

My husband wants to know.............

My husband is outside my office window trimming the shrubs. When I opened the window to say "howdy!" he made a horrid face and said "the next time you blog, I want you to ask why people aren't more upset about Obama bowing down to the Saudi Arabia king and why is he apologizing for the behavior of Americans?" I can see my husband now as he makes his way back past my window, and he is still talking to himself. He is angry! He is outraged!

He served proudly in the Air Force and has worked in government service for most our marriage. Our son served in the Army and now our grandson is serving. I've had lots of Aunts and Uncles who have served and one lost his life during W. W. II. My husband believes Obama's actions are a slap in the face to every military person and citizen of this United States.

Why would we put up with such hypocrisy in President Obama's actions? He is not a good example of a true citizen of our country. Both he and Michelle have ideas and beliefs that are not in line with what our founding fathers set for us as Americans, yet they get away with overwhelmingly fawning results. Cheers and glad tidings from Americans who don't seem to know the difference. It's almost like it must be true or okay just because he does it or says it.

The man, Obama, went gun-ho making the changes he wanted only to surprised us, to catch us off guard, because once we woke up, it would be too late, the changes would be made and we would be in too deep. A good example telling our Congress to get the bills sign by Friday because he wanted it done quickly - they didn't even read what they were signing. He waited four days later to pick up the bills on his desk. He was in such a huge hurry! Yeah right! He was fooling them all! He didn't want them to read the ridiculous bills he put in for their approval. He's shrewd. He's smart. He is cunning. He is ruining our country. We will never be the same - change, big time change is a-coming. Unless someone does something.

This is another point and was taken from American Thinker Blog: Update: See Miss Manners on the protocol. Americans do not bow to foreign monarchs because that act signified the monarch's power over his subjects.

Was President Obama telling the Saudi Arabia king that he has power over him? Hmm, I wonder!

1 comment:

  1. You make some very good points here.

    Why aren't people more upset about Obama bowing down?

    It's been under-reported.

    It's all an outrage, I don't understand it.
