Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dear Pres Obama, Why are you picking on Bush?

Yesterday on various news spots there were clips and interviews, comments and opinions about Presiden Bush, VP Cheney by both Presiden Obama, and VP Biden. President Bush couldn't have been nicer to then incoming President Obama as President Bush showed Obama around the White House, included the children and Michelle in several events, and even included Obama in internal matters of business. I personally think President Bush went the extra mile, and in my humble opinion, he wasn't required to but he did so for our country's security.

So why now is Obama and Biden bashing Cheney and Bush? What do they have to gain? The election is over - Obama won! Didn't he? It stresses me out thinking about this mess. Having occasional CRS situations and a lot of age 65 grey matter doesn't help me as I trying to assimilate facts or rationalize how a Democrat may be thinking. Although, that action might fry my brain so perhaps I shouldn't try to think like a Democrat! It occurred to me, perhaps could all this continuance of Bush bashing be a prelude to the 2012 elections? Or, perhaps, could it be President Obama REALLY didn't get the acceptance and recognitions from the leaders at the G20 that he expected?

With regard to the idea of the 2012, you know the Dems are going to have BIG plans for demonizing the Republicans before the election even begins. Pretty soon we'll begin to get the "hats in the ring" for serious runners for the seats in Congress, then the bashing will begin. The well-being and the financial state of our country will set the primary tone for how the Dems will attack. Back to Bush, since he was "supposed" to be the main reason the Democrats won the 2000 election, the Dems don't want the people to forget how "bad" he was, and remind them they don't want another Bush character in any capacity running the government. That's my opinion for one reason they are attacking President Bush and VP Cheney.

President Obama put on his best smile and wore his best clothes to impress everyone on his trip abroad. I noticed he could turn on the smile in a second - and I wondered what the conversation might have been in that split second or if a smile was warranted as a reaction or just for the publicity. Was he being judged for his beautiful teeth and Cheshire Cat expression?

We only heard the MSM's opinion of the aura of the crowds - yes, there was a big turnout in the public appearances, but for the sake of special events, isn't that normal for celebrities, and we all know President Obama is a celebrity. No one can really know what the leaders were thinking and what their opinions of President Obama were - let's face it, every one of the attendees were putting on their best face to impress the other leaders. They were probably too concerned with their own country's well-being than fussing over newcomer President Obama. So, thus brings me to this opinion, IF he wasn't accepted as a Rock Star by the leaders of the countries presiding at the G-20 - accepted as he has been here in the U. S. then of course, it is President George Bush's fault.

President Obama will not take responsibility or accept any other reasonable explanation. He is the One, or so HE thinks. He hasn't accepted the Real One as the Father or the Messiah, in my humble opinion, because if he really in his heart believes in God, then he would be a humble man. His decisions would not be for his benefit. His conceit will be his defeat. Self-serving and blaming when in defeat will begin to show its ugly head after a time. There are some who will never understand this and will forever support him. But, I believe there is a reason for all things. We have been too lax our respect for God, we have allowed the movie mongols and music producers to get by with murder. Only a few have made their voices heard to fight but the masses have stood by. We may not have monetarily supported those businesses, but we have not stopped them.

The news of the Freedom of Children's Act; the recent Eminem video depicting Governor Sarah Palin in a vulgar way; stem cell research; and on and on. The value of life is disintegrating. Our freedoms are being snacked away. Even the facts of Christianity in our Declaration of Independence is being scrutinized. We must make a stand. President Bush may not have made all the right choices, but he respected life and God was his Guiding Light. We need to look ahead a prepare for what the Democrats will try to force on us. I feel sad for my grandchildren because they are the ones who will have to endure what the Obamas and the Democrats do to our Country.

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