Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another Obama photo op

This morning while watching Fox News I experienced a disgusting emotion that I haven't felt in a very long time. As I relive the scene in my mind I am filled with a sickly pain in my stomach. President Obama was presiding at the return of one of our soldiers who had been killed in Afghanistan. He was lined up with our honorable soldiers at attention, made the salute as the flagged draped coffin was brought out of the air craft and carried away. He marched in line with the soldiers behind the coffin as the family followed several yards away.

He was out of place. I thought it would have been more appropriate for him to walk with the family and show compassion to them. But, no! He had to be a big show off. He has such a huge ego and lacks humility for what it takes to be a great leader. He was never a soldier nor has he ever fought in a war. He may be our Commander in Chief, but as a mother of a deceased soldier and also of a soldier who is now serving in the Army, I wouldn't want him to preside at any event having to do my military person's return home.

President Obama's presence and behavior to me seemed more appropriate as a photo op.

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