Sunday, October 4, 2009

Charles Krauthammer revealed the truth......

I can't imagine my political world without Charles Krauthammer's opinion page first and foremost my very favorite. Don't want to miss him on Fox News in the afternoon with Bret Bauer and have to have my Sunday fix of Charles column in the Viewpoint section of the newspaper. And here he is giving us another tidbit of information that we may never have been told. I got the lead from a Twitter source and went to the link here.

Our President is so full of himself, in his mind he would rather receive all the glory than do the right thing for our country at the right time. Maybe he just doesn't know any better. I've said all along, and I keep saying it to the point I know my husband is sick of hearing it, the man is just not qualified to be President. Why is he there? Why can't we get him out of there before he absolutely ruins the USA? The Dems wanted to impeach George Bush for much less of nothing. But, this guy is really stupid!!!!

I just hope the Good Lord is looking out for us, because we sure do need some help and common sense. Thanks again to Charles Krauthammer for keeping us in the light!

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