Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chris Dodd - I would have never thought!

I've been yammering on about him for months since the deal about Countrywide Mortgage affair came out and the golden deal they cut with him. Now we hear he will not run for re-election for his Senate seat. Hmmm! I guess he can take the real heat - or he must be smarter than I might give him credit for - regardless, I am thrilled. Our senators and representatives should be HELD to a higher standard but they are not - they think they can get away with anything and unfortunately, they do - - maybe, until now!

It is a result of the electronic age of communication that we have won this particular battle. Computers and all the hand held devices people have that get the news out of all sorts can get a good group together. We have won this battle, but we must not give up and continue to gather and revolt. It's not over.

We have a president and a first lady who have "bigger you know what" than the Clintons - and you all know they were pretty good at getting away with stuff. Today on Fox News they reported on two ads which the President and the First Lady appeared. He was captured although it was stated by the White House without approval - in a fashion ad. First Lady Michelle appeared on her own with Oprah and other black starts for PETA.

These two will do whatever they want without respect for this country. It is their ballgame and they will do it their way and who is going to stop them.

I do not see any Conservative or Republican at this time who could sweep the vote from Obama. I know we have plenty of time or do we? There are good folks out there who would run a good race, but beat Obama, I dunno!

For today, I am very thankful Christ Dodd is getting out!

1 comment:

  1. I thought Chris Dodd like his buddy Ted kennedy was to be in the Senate for life.
