Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Michelle, Michelle, How Does Your Garden Grow?

I've been under the weather for a while and can't quite get my mind around all the stuff in the news with our President, so today I'll just take it easy. Ok, just a change - a tiny bit, while you all take on Obama, I'd like to say a few words about another member of the Obama family. Nothing earth shattering, but just a case of down right curiosity. I'd really like to get a gander at Michelle's garden. The last time I saw anything written about Michelle was when she wore the same dress she wore a couple of months ago to some shinding. Gee! I wouldn't have noticed if the press, who was that by the way that brought the "same dress wearing" to our attention. A fashion mortal sin to wear the same garb in such a close time frame. It was a bright flowery thing which would draw attention anyhow, no wonder they remembered what it looked like.

I am waiting for Michelle to appear at the garden's edge to plant something - it's time you know. I think the last frost has passed in D. C. so time to get those tomato plants, peppers, lettuce, etc, in the ground, and so those seeds. I wonder which part of the yard they dug up for Michelle's garden? Will there be a tour to the area to see Michelle's garden grow? I want to see her and the girls out there tending the soil and pulling the weeds like committed garden growers do. I've pulled a few weeds and canned a few fresh vegetables in my days. Hhmmmm, ain't nothing better than fresh from the garden lima beans and tomatoes. Yummy!

1 comment:

  1. My garden is full speed ahead. I guess Mrs Obama
    has more important things to worry about now
    such as gummit health care that may regulate
    what we plant in our garden.
