Sunday, September 6, 2009

Van Jones resigned!

Before the coffee was ready and I settled down for the morning news in the den, I checked Drudgereport just to have a heads up on what what's happening. We usually watch CBS on Sunday, the Sunday Morning Show which generally isn't political although rarely they throw in some Democratic stuff. The BIG headline on Drudge was OUT! (link it here). I couldn't believe my eyes. Seriously, I thought he would not be asked to leave nor would he resign on the basis of principle.

The report states that President Obama did not ask him to resign but he did so on his own because of all the controversy, and yet, he does seem to blame the Republicans. When I watched the video of Van Jones talking to the students at Berkeley and he said that Republicans are "a--holes" I thought "he's referring to me, my family and my friends!" because I am a Republican and he doesn't even know me. HE doesn't know where I came from, my background, my beliefs, but I and all Republicans are judged this man in that one off the wall comment to the group of students and what does he know. He didn't think what the back lash would be and that his words would haunt him for the rest of his life. His attitude and opinion has ruined any chances of a political future for him. He was full of himself in front of the students as they laughed in unison with his comment, but I wonder how many there knew his words would bring him down.

There's no doubt each and everyone of us have said off the wall comments about those we disagree with, but generally we have sense enough not to be in a public place being videotaped. Hopefully, something good will come out of this. The Republicans have begun to question the validity of the Czars - I say, its about time. Who are all these Czars? And their backgrounds? If someone with the likes of Van Jones' background can make it into the White House then who else has President Obama brought with him. Where are they "housing" these Czars? I've heard they've had to build a special office unit for them, gee whiz, there's goes the budget, oh wait a minute, what budget? Where would he get the money for add new offices for the Czars anyhow?

The election of President Barrack Obama has brought excitement and controversy to the extend we have never seen before. It isn't over yet!

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