Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fishy smelling? Did you smell that???

Who woulda thunk???? I guess I will get reported to the government email fishy list for saying what I'm going to say! Our government administration is behaving like a bunch of spoiled brats - they need to grown up. If you can't take the heat then get out of the kitchen! I thought we had the right to assemble and let our voices be heard. I guess the politicians are a little shocked we don't agree with them. Once they get out of Washington and actually get a piece of the action of the real voters, now they are learning what we want - why doesn't President Obama get that!!! We certainly have to listen to your speeches. We have to digest what you say and try to disseminate right from wrong - truths from lies, or just a lot of bologna.

I put up with listening to the Democrats harass the Republicans when the Republicans were the majority until I vomited. I thought it was disgusting how they maligned President Bush, and now Sarah Palin - but like spoiled children, it's really difficult to swallow when it's your turn to get the negative reaction - and really hear how the voters feel!

By the way, I am not a Rush Limbaugh follower. I may listen to Fox Network but I am not a groupie for any news reporter or radio star host, except for possibly Charles Krauthammer. I would enjoy seeing Charles and President Obama go head to head in a discussion. President Obama and any one of his staffers would be stammering all over the floor - struggling to find the teleprompter!!!

That's all I have to say.


  1. We, the common people will overcome these crooked jerks and the empty suit. It is only a matter of time until everybody wakes up and starts to take control away from these jerks!

  2. Hitler,Stalin,Fidel and Mao would be proud.
