There is an interesting article in the Washington Times this morning, you can read it here. Jeb Bush points out our need to move beyond the Ronald Reagan era of thinking. He also mentions adopting some of the strategies of the Obama policies for winning. I am inclined to agree with the moving on idea. We have to point our policies to what the younger voters would be dealing with as they grow older. It is a techie world and the population of this era have no clue what it was like to grow up during World War Two or even before that of the depression. The depression to the younger voters is a news clip on the CNN network as it relates to the way the Dems blame the Bush administration for the Recession.
We've been marching down the same lane for several years now. Obama and his family are young and vibrant. The girls look so normal and active which every middle class family can relate to. Michelle is out talking the talk and touching families, especially military families, and this brings in the votes. I know that talking is good, but when will the talking relate to the doing and something getting done. And, that's the rest of the story, but the people aren't looking at that, they are an impatient group and what they see is what they think they're going to get.
Take the iPod, mini computers, instant messaging, twittering - that's the group we need to fit into. Yes, I know, conservatives twit too - I am a progressive older person and I have all those techie toys, but I know in my wisdom Jeb Bush is right. We have to direct our talk to another degree. Using an old cliche - we have to think out of the box.
I love Laura Bush, Barbara Bush, and even Lady Bird Johnson - their reign as first ladies went beyond the time they spent in the White House, but I'll bet you the youngers don't even know what Lady Bird Johnson accomplished, and probably don't care unless their Texans. So in retrospect, the Republicans need to heed Jeb Bush's advice and get off their duffs and get planning.
I am having a very difficult time dealing with the news every morning of some Obama administration employee making an ass out of the United States. This morning it was Eric Holder. Yuck! he sends creepy shivers up my spine. He's another story.
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