Thursday, October 29, 2009
Another Obama photo op
He was out of place. I thought it would have been more appropriate for him to walk with the family and show compassion to them. But, no! He had to be a big show off. He has such a huge ego and lacks humility for what it takes to be a great leader. He was never a soldier nor has he ever fought in a war. He may be our Commander in Chief, but as a mother of a deceased soldier and also of a soldier who is now serving in the Army, I wouldn't want him to preside at any event having to do my military person's return home.
President Obama's presence and behavior to me seemed more appropriate as a photo op.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Freedom of Speech and a physicians reaction
I've watched the other news channels, CNN actually, never ever MSNBC now but I did many years ago when it was a brand new channel. There are several excellent news reporters on CNN in the morning especially Robin and Heidi Collins, both are terrific.
My greatest concern which is being reported now is the comments being made from people in the Obama administration and from President Obama himself about Fox News. Also, another report was mentioned about the government controlling the Internet. This is scary! I wonder if these controls are in the mindset of Obama to control what is said and who ever differentiates from his opinion they will be ruined, run out of town, and shut down. President Obama's tactics are so not far off from the ruler in Venezuela, Hugo Chavez. He shut down all but one broadcast station, but it may be down now because he was threatening to do so. The people who worked for that station talked against Chavez. There is no freedom there. Are we in for the same?
Opinions have been made that once people begin to see this conniving side of Obama, people would change their mind about his character. His character is now a switch from the man who swore he was for bringing people together from all sides of the political spectrum, but in truth, behind closed doors and among his cohorts he talks a different talk. The pleasant speaking, smiling, easy sense of humor is changed into a vile and distasteful dictator. We have been given a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as a president, with side kicks who come with a point of view not for a Democracy but a Dictatorship.
I am fearful today as I write my opinion because we know they are previewing blogs, twitter, and other social networks. I do not approve of the government controlling the Internet - guidelines, perhaps but I don't want their hand in it - at least not the Obama Administration, or really any government department.
Regarding the subject of a physician's reaction, I recently asked a dear friend who has been a physician for a long time his opinion about the meeting at the White House with the doctors and President Obama. I can't mention what he said but will say his verbal expression was shocking. I do know for a fact what he, as an excellent physician wants for his patients is definitely not what President Obama is preaching that doctors are asking. It would be interesting to know who President Obama is talking to in the health care industry.
I hope the Republicans will be elected back as a solid balance in the Congress and in the White House and can overturn this pile of crap we've been forced to accept as law. We need a strong leader like Newt Gingrich was back in the 90s.
Let's hope and pray! The Democrats have been in control too long. And, I think many have forgotten they were there in numbers when President Bush was in office. Maybe, this time will be their time out!
Monday, October 12, 2009
White House accuses Fox News

White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn, appearing on CNN brings out the big guns against Fox News. Read about it here.
Doesn't the Obama Administration have better things to do than infringe on our freedom of speech and choice? Perhaps Fox has hit a nerve or truth on Obama's plans and has the administration scared.
Friday, October 9, 2009
What!! Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize?
Then, after taking a couple of low grade aspirin I decided to check out my favorite blogs, Legal Insurrection (here) and the Professor put it all into context - although his article didn't relieve the pain of the shock which resulted in a huge headache.
I've come to the conclusion which is probably a "duh" statement anyhow - the Nobel Peace Prize committee is comprised of mostly liberals. Why wouldn't they award the prize to Ronald Reagan for the Berlin Wall coming down? Yet, they gave it to Jimmy Carter and major green hypocrite Al Gore. I dunno!
Our country is going to pot big time, and the guy in the White House is getting awards, how ironic is that?
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Charles Krauthammer revealed the truth......
Our President is so full of himself, in his mind he would rather receive all the glory than do the right thing for our country at the right time. Maybe he just doesn't know any better. I've said all along, and I keep saying it to the point I know my husband is sick of hearing it, the man is just not qualified to be President. Why is he there? Why can't we get him out of there before he absolutely ruins the USA? The Dems wanted to impeach George Bush for much less of nothing. But, this guy is really stupid!!!!
I just hope the Good Lord is looking out for us, because we sure do need some help and common sense. Thanks again to Charles Krauthammer for keeping us in the light!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Republicans made me do it!
Van Jones is gone from sight now, or is he? I read he will still be involved in the White House doing something, not a czar though, but I wonder what he will be doing. The next big question I have is do the Republicans have enough power to bring the remainder of President Obama's Czars on the carpet and vetted as they should have been in the first place? What is next?
It's like a deliciously divine mysterious soap opera. We have no clue who will be next on the chopping block and what sin will be divulged. Do morals matter? It's been so long since someone has actually been held accountable for their ill deeds.
I can't wait for the next chapter of "Obama and His Czars" - how about you?
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Van Jones resigned!
The report states that President Obama did not ask him to resign but he did so on his own because of all the controversy, and yet, he does seem to blame the Republicans. When I watched the video of Van Jones talking to the students at Berkeley and he said that Republicans are "a--holes" I thought "he's referring to me, my family and my friends!" because I am a Republican and he doesn't even know me. HE doesn't know where I came from, my background, my beliefs, but I and all Republicans are judged this man in that one off the wall comment to the group of students and what does he know. He didn't think what the back lash would be and that his words would haunt him for the rest of his life. His attitude and opinion has ruined any chances of a political future for him. He was full of himself in front of the students as they laughed in unison with his comment, but I wonder how many there knew his words would bring him down.
There's no doubt each and everyone of us have said off the wall comments about those we disagree with, but generally we have sense enough not to be in a public place being videotaped. Hopefully, something good will come out of this. The Republicans have begun to question the validity of the Czars - I say, its about time. Who are all these Czars? And their backgrounds? If someone with the likes of Van Jones' background can make it into the White House then who else has President Obama brought with him. Where are they "housing" these Czars? I've heard they've had to build a special office unit for them, gee whiz, there's goes the budget, oh wait a minute, what budget? Where would he get the money for add new offices for the Czars anyhow?
The election of President Barrack Obama has brought excitement and controversy to the extend we have never seen before. It isn't over yet!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
A story about Rahm in the NY Times
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Obama: 1 Speech, 2 Faces
Thanks to Sister Toldjah's Blog for bringing this video to our attention ( sorry, I'm unable to "attach" the link here, but check my list for the blog link).
The expressions on President Obama's face toward the end of his speech seemed to show some agitation with those who disagree with "any" discussion or idea of His or the Democrat's issues. I take from this speech ultimately that he is pointing fingers at those Americans who are now speaking up against his healthcare issures - and he is making faces like he don't like anyone going against what he wants even though at the start of the speech he makes it sound all lovey dovey and let's get together but ends with only his way!!! Or, am I taking this all out of context? I don't think so!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Fishy smelling? Did you smell that???
I put up with listening to the Democrats harass the Republicans when the Republicans were the majority until I vomited. I thought it was disgusting how they maligned President Bush, and now Sarah Palin - but like spoiled children, it's really difficult to swallow when it's your turn to get the negative reaction - and really hear how the voters feel!
By the way, I am not a Rush Limbaugh follower. I may listen to Fox Network but I am not a groupie for any news reporter or radio star host, except for possibly Charles Krauthammer. I would enjoy seeing Charles and President Obama go head to head in a discussion. President Obama and any one of his staffers would be stammering all over the floor - struggling to find the teleprompter!!!
That's all I have to say.
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Photo that speaks a thousand words!

I don't know why the media isn't all over this.
If you read through the story, you will come across a photo of President Bush helping Senator Robert Byrd who we know is a very extra ordinary liberal Democrat. Both photos relate the character of the man.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Racial chip on his shoulder
Maybe you saw it coming, maybe you knew it was inevitable, but I am so naive about this stuff. I believed Obama's "Change" proclamation for equality for politics (which has been all but blown out of the water and running down the drain) and "hope" for unity of the differences between the human races but now I know his prima donna was nothing more than fluffy words of deceit.
What does this do for our relationship as far as racial problems are concerned? In my opinion, President Obama has made it worse and created a huge pothole between what could have been and what is, and maybe will be. I have a few friends who warned me this would happen, but I was not brought up to think in that way. I don't want there to be division or skepticism. I would presume to have a president who brings the country together not one who deliberately presents the issue in the manner that President Obama did to divide the country. President Obama is certainly very self-assured that he is untouchable and his racial attitude for Professor Gates and against the police department will be accepted, although he has now retracted the "meaning" of his words and probably hoping no one observed his bias. There are plenty of great politicians of Barack Obama's race who have never made an issue of the color of their skin. They have served our country with pride and grace and honor.
It's too late for President Obama to pick up the pieces of his few words of dissent and make it all better. Having a beer with the arresting police officer at the White House will never put it to rest.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Todd on Pope Obama's visit
As I was catching up on some of my blog reading I came across one of my Catholic blogger and I noticed the guest writer had written an article titled "Todd on Pope Obama Meeting" and as I read the title I supposed I gasped somewhat, then chuckled as I regained consciousness. It is a must read and you may find this article at this link.
I would like to include here before sending you off to the original text to give you just a taste of the article ----
"In their short meeting the Pope was given a gift from the Obama family of a toy model of Air Force One airplane, a jigsaw puzzle picture of the First Family and a collection of DVDs. (Stigmata, Cider House Rules, Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Mad Max and copies of all Mel Gibson's films) The President had the opportunity to convey a special relic of Blessed Edward Kennedy and an autographed photograph of America's famous Catholic: Nancy Pelosi."
I am a very naive person and yet I found this article first shockingly morose and I in a stupefied state then realizing the author was playing a game of being sarcastic. There are many things I don't know about the Catholic Church sadly admitting this as being a lifelong Catholic. And yet, I would believe anything someone would write as written in the environment of the author of this article. I suppose the belief that President Obama just might do this stems from the "gifts" President Obama gave the Queen of England. Although, I couldn't imagine he would give the photo of Nancy Pelosi or a toy model of Air Force One, and I prayed "Please don't let it be so."
And, with that I take leave to allow you to draw your own conclusions after reading Todd Unctuous's report from Rome!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Butt watchers and Obama is a better Catholic than Pope
With regard to the Butt Watchers, there is a second photo which the press has made out to be a part of the Butt Watchers Photo Gallery which includes our President and the French President with the Italian President in the photo, but unfortunately for the Italian he was not involved in the Butt Watcher sequence. I am sure he felt left out afterwards when he realized what was going on! Does this mean the media's sacred infatuation with Obama is over and they've move on to more interesting situations with President Obama? Gee, I wonder what they failed to share from the past?
I almost fainted when I heard on Fox News yesterday afternoon that Maryland's Lt. Governor Townsend (daughter of Robert Kennedy) thinks President Obama is more of a Catholic than Pope Benedict! I've been a Catholic all my life and when I heard that statement I wondered which part of the Catholic Church she belongs to or has she started one that Barack has joined and has become the messiah? That would put to rest all the rumors of President Obama's supreme aura. We have gone from a Senator who sat in the Church listening to his pastor preach about the horrors of the United States and blame the white people and Jewish people for everything wrong in this world to that same Senator trying to make us believe he never heard the pastor preach any violent words. Now all of the sudden as President he has become a more Holier than Thou Catholic! Holy Cow! My dad would be rolling over in his grave! That's ten Our Fathers and ten Hail Marys.
Maybe we're in for a more interesting news reporting year than we expected since these Obama stimuli's are putting a strain on the world calculators and the totals aren't matching up. Butt Watching and Obama's promise to Pope Benedict to lower the abortion rate in the United States may not not be the ideal topics in the same sentence but both are interesting. Let's hope that President Obama wasn't lying to Pope Benedict about the abortion issue or his penance will be more than ten Our Father's and ten Hail Marys. Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging, just a Catholic observer voicing an opinion.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Video Clears Up Obama Photo
I must retract my previous post regarding President Obama and the wondering eye. It truly was a photo retouch of supreme proportions. This video tells it all.
I do apologize!
The President is Human after all!
By the way, the girl President is giving the look at is only a 16 year old young lady from Rio. Here's just one of many links on this story I picked from

Friday, July 3, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Sharing from another great blog!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Drudgereport: The Evil Eye

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Cap and Tax - Waxman-Markey Bill
Glenn Beck and the Heritage Foundation spokesman who appeared on the program, questioned the effects of the The American Clean Energy and Security Act, better known as the Waxman-Markey bill, and whether it would really be cost effective and would if actually cut greenhouse-gas while promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency. It is labeled a Cap and Trade Bill, but Glenn Beck called it a Cap and Tax. Just another Tax bill so says Glenn Beck.
The measure, which is likely to have a tough go in the Senate, is a linchpin of Obama's first-year agenda. A victory would give the White House momentum going into a vote on health care later this summer. See more on Politico here.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A stylist dresser - my dream come true!

Monday, June 15, 2009
Dave Who?

Unfortunately as does happen in ALL families there are those situations that happen that kids do, and good parents are there to help out. I know, I'm one of those parents. I can tell you depressing stories about parents I know who humiliate their kids and it affects them their who life, but for those of us, who are there beside our children and their babies, we wear a badge of faithfulness and true to heart and soul and God. This Lady Sarah loves her family enough to do anything to protect them and keep them safe - all the time while bring in the bacon and with no regrets. She's a Saint and a Lady.
But, as it all things in life there are the negative jerks who know how to really open their big mouths and insert their crappy shoes and sprew the crappiest of crap because they have no brains. In this situation, this individual probably doesn't know what respect is or how to treat a lady - or even probably even knows what a lady is. It has become obvious in some of the blogs that I'm reading now, the best we conservatives can do is not to mention his name, or give him credit for anything. It is not in the nature of Conservatives to be vindictive like the Liberals, we are too considerate. So, for now, I say, Dave who? and I found a couple of images of which are the likeness of Dave who? Ah yeah, I've heard a saying in my old lifetime - "all dogs have their day" - Dave who? may think it's funny now, but someday this deed of his will come back to haunt him and he will know and understand how low down his humor is!

Sunday, June 14, 2009
United States Army Birthday and Flag Day

Saturday, June 13, 2009
More about President Obama's Socialized Medical Plan

Friday, June 12, 2009
Is it "TO BE or NOT TO BE" that's a good question?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Is this a nightmare?
In the past, I have found fault and difference with the other party not my choice in office in Washington and locally, I have screamed at the TV when they speak, or totally turn it off. Today, there's no way to ignore the methods the Democrats are using and the stupidity which they are displaying in their circus approach to issues at hand.
I have shared two articles today and yesterday which I thought explained more appropriately than I could the issues of Obama and the administration. I hope you have found these articles as enlightening as I have. People, I don't know what we can do except to be certain we become active for our party in the 2010 and 2012 election. I watched only a partial part of the speech Newt gave to the Republican Party a couple nights back. He is articulate (certainly doesn't need a teleprompter), forceful, and interesting. There are several "good guys" in the Republican Party who have the criteria to run for office, but they don't have the pzazz I think we need to win back the vote. We have to have a group of candidates who will knock the voters off their chairs and make them take notice.
We cannot continue to watch our country go down the cesspool of socialism and as long as the Democrats are in control we will only dig deeper into doo-doo!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
A Welcomed Flash from the Past

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
He's Here! President Obama is here!

Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Did you hear the one about Obama and the kid's crying?
Where was Michelle? I wonder how they would feel if it had been the two Obama girls turned out by another administration?
Just another action by the infamous "change" administration - is it change from being friendly to being "holier than thou?"
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Michelle, Michelle, How Does Your Garden Grow?
I am waiting for Michelle to appear at the garden's edge to plant something - it's time you know. I think the last frost has passed in D. C. so time to get those tomato plants, peppers, lettuce, etc, in the ground, and so those seeds. I wonder which part of the yard they dug up for Michelle's garden? Will there be a tour to the area to see Michelle's garden grow? I want to see her and the girls out there tending the soil and pulling the weeds like committed garden growers do. I've pulled a few weeds and canned a few fresh vegetables in my days. Hhmmmm, ain't nothing better than fresh from the garden lima beans and tomatoes. Yummy!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Let Fredom Ring - National Day of Prayer
Let us Pray as a Nation under God for His assistance to always guide and protect us. And, to give Thanks for all our Blessings.
God bless you !
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
"I want my country back"
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 08:28:26 -0500
Whether you are an Obama fan, or not, EVERYONE IN THE U. S. needs to know....
Something happened... H.R. 1388 was passed yesterday, behind our backs. You may want to read about it. It wasn't mentioned on the news... just went by on the ticker tape at the bottom of the CNN screen.
Obama funds $20M in tax payer dollars to immigrate Hamas Refugees to the USA . This is the news that didn't make the headlines...
By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in "migration assistance" to the Palestinian refugees and "conflict victims" in Gaza .
The "presidential determination", which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States , was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.
Few on Capitol Hill, or in the media, took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support to the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.
Let's review...itemized list of some of Barack Obama's most recent actions since his inauguration:
His first call to any head of state, as president, was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.
His first one-on-one television interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.
His first executive order was to fund/facilitate abortion(s) not just here within the U. S. , but within the world, using U. S. tax payer funds.
He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.
He ordered overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.
He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and the "terror attack" on 9/11.
Now we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to, and live in, the US at American taxpayer expense.
These important, and insightful, issues are being "lost" in the blinding bail-outs and "stimulation" packages."
The article was followed up by documentation from the Federal Register, and you can read it here
Unfortunately, I do not know the author of the article, but the report from the Federal Register substantiates the charges in the article.
Before the Obama administration leaves office, I worry how much of our freedom we will leave and what our country will represent. He was voted into office because he offered Change and he is living up to that promise in a big way. The Obama voters, I believe, were naive to say the leave.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Jeb Bush - will he lead us in the future?

Sunday, May 3, 2009
How bad can the economy get?

Would also like to mention the loss of a great Republican - Jack Kemp. I was shocked when I read the report on my network news link early this morning. The reports state Mr. Kemp just found the cancer in January. Our prayers go out to his wife and children.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
On a very serious note!
Also, with my friend's email message, she passed along these statics for today. I am sure there will be more states added and the numbers increased by week's end.
Are there human infections with swine flu in the U.S. ?
There are 66 reported confirmed cases in the u. s. with one recent death of a 23 month old in Texas .
1- Indiana
2 Kansas
6 Texas
11 California
45 New York
Please take good care!
"Bless me Father, for I have sinned - I am a coward!"
Then this Spector deal - defector! What is wrong with these people? We're too conservative, that's not his problem, no he's afraid he'll lose the election to a Democrat, so hey, lets change parties. Oh yeah, "we're all so proud to have him in our party, Obama and Biden says." Well sure you would be, duh! It's really embarrassing to watch these boys jump ship, all for what! I sure hope the real Republicans are watching and learning something from this! Oh, and Mr. Spector, I heard there's a younger guy going to run against you in the Democratic race for Senator in Pennsylvania. Hmmm, do you have a chance against him?
We're fighting the hard fight this time around - I guess it's our payback because of Bush winning both terms for president and the Dems are now doing the La-De-Da dance and having a blast! I am giving up watching the news for Lent, oh, can't - Lent is over, well, I'll find a good reason. Maybe I'll just wait until it's Obama's 110th day in office and all the fun fare has passed.
And, another thing - I think it's funnier that anything Al Franken has ever said as a joke - our new Homeland Security Secretary has changed the name from Swine Flu to F11 or Ctrl-Atl-Delete or something alpha-numerical , how silly is that! I remember years ago when we had a situation with black birds being a huge problem for the livestock on farms in the Midwest, I don't remember the Agriculture Department giving the black birds a new title. Actually, this administration is into creating new titles for everything. We have a new title for a war that wasn't according to the Obama administration. That's so totally weird! It does take away the importance of issues that do matter, maybe that's their purpose in changing what was to what their perception is! I will say this, even though Secretary Janet A. Napolitano has changed the name of the flu but when I did a google search, I don't find any reference to the "numbers and letters" type of title to which the administration has named the Swine Flu.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Laughable? She's enjoying her spotlight too much.

She appeared on Capitol Hill before the committee discussing Cheney and the issue of water boarding. She appears in this photo to be enjoying her point of view that she shared with the committee.
In view of her recent verbal blunders and inappropriate comments by Secretary of State Clinton, we could be forming less that acceptable opinions about her abilities to perform her duties.
The Democats have had a witch hunt on for Bush and Cheney since Bush was elected and it was inevitable today with a Democratic strong hold each and every disagreement will be brought to the surface and drug through the mud. How will we survive this ugly mess?
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I'm Speechless

Monday, April 13, 2009
An award for Katie Couric
It was reported there were questions about abortion rights and Couric would not accept any answer Governnor Palin gave since she was against abortion. Ms. Couric attempted to manipulate Governor Palin's answers but to no avail.
Our country is sadly divided - Media Right and Left. It's not getting any better. President Obama promised he'd work with both sides, no he won't and hasn't. But, there are some Republicans who have forgotten their roots as well, what are we going to do. Elections in 2012 is our day of reckoning.
As for now, we have to deal with the absurdities of the media that put value on a low-life interview of no merit, and we need to move on and strive for better results. Governor Sarah Palin has not let the media do her in, even as they persecute her family and continue to discuss the problems of her daughter and the baby, and other private matters. I know it is not uncommon in this day and age, but is there nothing sacred?
Governor Sarah Palin is the one who should be receiving the Cronkite media award for enduring the poor interviewing tactics of a professional.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
The Pizza Man cometh
First of all, I have to disclose that I know someone who knows the chefs and cooks at the White House very well. In fact, he has sent me photos of some of the staff. Being aware of that business, I know they HAVE to be good at their jobs, I know the background of their training and the competition they go through to keep their job. Remember when Hilliary and Bill came to office, I think Hilliary pretty well cleared everyone out - not so with Michelle. We've all see photos where she is right there in the kitchen with the chefs.
However, when the pizza man Pi came to town with his cheese, special sauce and selected dough packed away in his suitcase, my thought wondered right away how the chef and cooks felt with a new cook in their kitchen. As for me, I'm personally very protective of my cooking space! But, of course, President Obama is their boss, and the team is the top of the line and they are the best in their career. There's none better than those who take care of the President - as it should be! I am sure they relinquished their space but pitched right in and helped where they could - that's protocol.
When I first heard the hoopla on Fox News (it's the only cable news network we watch) the reports were President Obama's choice to pick a pizza man from St. Louis rather than hometown Chicago. There will always be differences of opinion as to where the best pizza maker is, whether its from Philly, St. Louis and Chicago, and New York too. So, President Obama selected a guy named Pi from St. Louis to make pies for his friends last night. I'm not Italian but in southern Ohio we were friends with a LOT of Italians and do have lots of Italian friends today, and I love pizza - especially from Metro Pizza here. But, a guy named Pi? I checked out his website, it looks rather oriental to me - but you be the judge, here's the link. The pizza as per President Obama judgement is very good. I would like to get a poll of opinions from the Pizza Party attendees too.
Well, it was Good Friday for us Catholics and for those that were observing - we don't eat meat on Good Friday. It seemed sort of odd to me after celebrating Passover Seder with the Jewish community on Thursday he would be respectful of the Catholics, couldn't he have put the Pizza Party off one night but oh well, that's just my thinking.
Here's another interesting website I found here - I didn't know existed. It is a web page with all the things President Obama likes, for example, arugula, ick! I wonder if someone created a page of likes and dislikes for President George Bush and Laura - I would be more interested in their food preference especially since President Bush does his entertaining via his bar-b-ques!
My post is shallow today, talking about a pizza man named Pi making pizza for a guy named Obama. I'm not suggesting that Pi's pizza aren't good, because there's some good food in St. Louis, but its an ironic contradiction in my Polish, Irish, German opinion.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Dear Pres Obama, Why are you picking on Bush?
So why now is Obama and Biden bashing Cheney and Bush? What do they have to gain? The election is over - Obama won! Didn't he? It stresses me out thinking about this mess. Having occasional CRS situations and a lot of age 65 grey matter doesn't help me as I trying to assimilate facts or rationalize how a Democrat may be thinking. Although, that action might fry my brain so perhaps I shouldn't try to think like a Democrat! It occurred to me, perhaps could all this continuance of Bush bashing be a prelude to the 2012 elections? Or, perhaps, could it be President Obama REALLY didn't get the acceptance and recognitions from the leaders at the G20 that he expected?
With regard to the idea of the 2012, you know the Dems are going to have BIG plans for demonizing the Republicans before the election even begins. Pretty soon we'll begin to get the "hats in the ring" for serious runners for the seats in Congress, then the bashing will begin. The well-being and the financial state of our country will set the primary tone for how the Dems will attack. Back to Bush, since he was "supposed" to be the main reason the Democrats won the 2000 election, the Dems don't want the people to forget how "bad" he was, and remind them they don't want another Bush character in any capacity running the government. That's my opinion for one reason they are attacking President Bush and VP Cheney.
President Obama put on his best smile and wore his best clothes to impress everyone on his trip abroad. I noticed he could turn on the smile in a second - and I wondered what the conversation might have been in that split second or if a smile was warranted as a reaction or just for the publicity. Was he being judged for his beautiful teeth and Cheshire Cat expression?
We only heard the MSM's opinion of the aura of the crowds - yes, there was a big turnout in the public appearances, but for the sake of special events, isn't that normal for celebrities, and we all know President Obama is a celebrity. No one can really know what the leaders were thinking and what their opinions of President Obama were - let's face it, every one of the attendees were putting on their best face to impress the other leaders. They were probably too concerned with their own country's well-being than fussing over newcomer President Obama. So, thus brings me to this opinion, IF he wasn't accepted as a Rock Star by the leaders of the countries presiding at the G-20 - accepted as he has been here in the U. S. then of course, it is President George Bush's fault.
President Obama will not take responsibility or accept any other reasonable explanation. He is the One, or so HE thinks. He hasn't accepted the Real One as the Father or the Messiah, in my humble opinion, because if he really in his heart believes in God, then he would be a humble man. His decisions would not be for his benefit. His conceit will be his defeat. Self-serving and blaming when in defeat will begin to show its ugly head after a time. There are some who will never understand this and will forever support him. But, I believe there is a reason for all things. We have been too lax our respect for God, we have allowed the movie mongols and music producers to get by with murder. Only a few have made their voices heard to fight but the masses have stood by. We may not have monetarily supported those businesses, but we have not stopped them.
The news of the Freedom of Children's Act; the recent Eminem video depicting Governor Sarah Palin in a vulgar way; stem cell research; and on and on. The value of life is disintegrating. Our freedoms are being snacked away. Even the facts of Christianity in our Declaration of Independence is being scrutinized. We must make a stand. President Bush may not have made all the right choices, but he respected life and God was his Guiding Light. We need to look ahead a prepare for what the Democrats will try to force on us. I feel sad for my grandchildren because they are the ones who will have to endure what the Obamas and the Democrats do to our Country.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Another good opinion I read this morning was United Conservatives Virginia - here. It was very interesting and created an awareness in areas I hadn't ventured. Please check it out.
I wondered this morning as I contemplated what I would write and how I felt about our country, then I realized the possibility if President Obama so desired he could mandate that my writing and all the other conservative writings be banned. We've read this opinion in other blogs recently but months ago, who would have thought this possible. President Obama has swept into control of our government so quickly, we just didn't see it coming.
How does he and his cohorts get away with it? How can he legally decline taking money from a bank who is PAYING OFF their stimulus loan? Why aren't more people alarmed and doing something about it? He didn't win the election by a popular vote. Where is the outrage - are people so surprised? Shocked?
Is it out of our hands now? Will ACORN play a big part in our census to control the voting districts? What choice do we have..........
Monday, April 6, 2009
Obama declares US not at war with Islam

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Barack Obama, making his first visit to a Muslim nation as president, declared Monday the United States "is not and will never be at war with Islam."
Calling for a greater partnership with the Islamic world in an address to the Turkish parliament, Obama called the country an important U.S. ally in many areas, including the fight against terrorism. He devoted much of his speech to urging a greater bond between Americans and Muslims, portraying terrorist groups such as al Qaida as extremists who did not represent the vast majority of Muslims. "America's relationship with the Muslim world cannot and will not be based on opposition to al Qaida," he said. "We seek broad engagement based upon mutual interests and mutual respect."
The U.S. president is trying to mend fences with a Muslim world that felt it had been blamed by America for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Al Jazeera and Al Arabiyia, two of the biggest Arabic satellite channels, carried Obama's speech live.
"We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including my own country," Obama said.
Please read the complete context of this report here.
We were warned, and we voted - I did NOT vote for Obama. We knew but there are those who obviously didn't realize what they were doing on election day. They were blinded by his smile and his charisma! We are in for the "ride" of our life. Let us pray that God will be with us!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Russia's Medvedev Takes Swing at US

The speech came just a day after Medvedev not only warmly embraced President Barack Obama but also fixed a date for a July summit in Moscow and promised to make strong, mutual progress on the first new nuclear arms reduction treaty in at least a decade. The currency issue, first broached last month by Chinese President Hu Jintao, didn’t even come up on Wednesday when Hu and Obama met for the first time. That spared Obama a potentially embarrassing moment, with his stimulus policies pushing U.S. government borrowing to record levels."
This was part of a report taken from the Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire, written by Jonathan Weisman from the G-20.on June 2, 2009. You can view the remainder of the article here. Please scroll to the bottom of the Washington Wire page.

Saturday, April 4, 2009
My husband wants to know.............
He served proudly in the Air Force and has worked in government service for most our marriage. Our son served in the Army and now our grandson is serving. I've had lots of Aunts and Uncles who have served and one lost his life during W. W. II. My husband believes Obama's actions are a slap in the face to every military person and citizen of this United States.
Why would we put up with such hypocrisy in President Obama's actions? He is not a good example of a true citizen of our country. Both he and Michelle have ideas and beliefs that are not in line with what our founding fathers set for us as Americans, yet they get away with overwhelmingly fawning results. Cheers and glad tidings from Americans who don't seem to know the difference. It's almost like it must be true or okay just because he does it or says it.
The man, Obama, went gun-ho making the changes he wanted only to surprised us, to catch us off guard, because once we woke up, it would be too late, the changes would be made and we would be in too deep. A good example telling our Congress to get the bills sign by Friday because he wanted it done quickly - they didn't even read what they were signing. He waited four days later to pick up the bills on his desk. He was in such a huge hurry! Yeah right! He was fooling them all! He didn't want them to read the ridiculous bills he put in for their approval. He's shrewd. He's smart. He is cunning. He is ruining our country. We will never be the same - change, big time change is a-coming. Unless someone does something.
This is another point and was taken from American Thinker Blog: Update: See Miss Manners on the protocol. Americans do not bow to foreign monarchs because that act signified the monarch's power over his subjects.
Was President Obama telling the Saudi Arabia king that he has power over him? Hmm, I wonder!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Make excuses for moi?????
I don't know where we are going in this country when the man who has been elected President cow-tows up to an audience just for the sake of popularity. It's not a confident person certainly, he must have one thing on his mind and that's his popularity and not the people of the United States of America, well, maybe he's out to help only his little clique perhaps.
We told you, I knew it. I am not impressed with this man. It's going to get worse before it gets better. Republicans, I hope you get your act together, you can do it - you did it with Newt, and you can do it again! We need you NOW before we become the laughing stock of the whole world. And we are no longer the leaders of the world.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Are the Obama's rewriting the rules of Political Protocol?

The news is the G-20 seems to have been a success. President Obama has been accepted. The old hardliner Bush is out. I think of a fairytale of the inexperienced handsome young man that comes to town mesmerizing his followers with his smile and stories. He empowers others to believe he knows more than anyone else and he believes he can form the world into his oyster and everyone will love him. His followers bow down and kiss his feet because they have been waiting for a young and handsome man with a beautiful smile to follow, someone to take the place of a rancher guy with a Texan accent with a beautiful educated wife, but the Texan wasn't like the people of the land. They thought the new man in town had their qualities, or so they thought. It was later realized that if the people didn't follow him, he'll pass a law to punish them. The leaders of Russia and North Korea are more cunning than all and President Obama may find his mesmerizing illusion smashed into a million pieces.
This photo below illustrates the mindset of our United States of America President Obama -