The most recent Big Top ring side circus which was held on Thursday is all but over. All that is left is the conniving without compromise. Personally, I think the big show titled the Health Care Summit was made up of subliminal gestures and overtones.
We did learn a couple of new things about President Obama's personality. First one is a gesture which determines he is gross and lacks any table manners or sophistication as a United States President. As someone was speaking, President Obama casually maybe without his conscious awareness picked his nose and rolled up his "boogers" and threw them on the table. The next abhorrent act happened during Senator McCain's appointed time to speak, when midway through President Obama announced smugly to Senator John McCain that the election was over and that he, Barack Obama, was the President, in addition he repeated this announcement several times throughout the subliminal meeting to notify to all the really intelligent people they must realize he, President Obama, could talk all he wanted and he didn't give a hoot about the Republicans or their opinions and had no desire for the summit to be handled in a fair and rational manner. Words spoken with subliminal meanings. All Hail to Caesar!!!
We predicted beforehand this summit was to be an "Obama Circus Festival." He was forced into this meeting by the polls - he mentioned that there would be an election to dictate what the people wanted if the Republicans didn't fess up to his ideas, but how stupid is that - Democrats have already lost three elections to Republicans.
President Obama is a smug, ego maniac, who may have attended Harvard, but has absolutely no common sense commanding a country. I thought President Clinton was a smug Democrat, but Clinton did work with the Republicans to pass bills. He and Newt Gingrich developed a working relationship and friendship of respect. As I reflected on President Obama's time in office, I have never seen him on friendly terms with any Republican. He stands alone. He does not know how to compromise or work with the other side. Certainly, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid don't give a hoot either, so the three of them will go down in history as the Three Stooges of the Democratic party losing a battle of horrible health care demagoguery, high unemployment and an economy that is owned by foreign countries. What a legacy.
Finally, in view of the tragic events happening in our world today specifically today and the earthquake in Chile and the possibility of tsunamis in Hawaii and the Pacific coastline of the United States, as a Christian nation, we would expect our President as all our previous Presidents have to offer a prayer for the country of Chile in his report to the country today. But no he did not. He did say "he sends our hearts" but stopped short of offering our prayers. I was shocked and perplexed. Never have I experienced any president as long as I have been aware who has not called on a nation to pray or to offer his own prayers for the trials of a country.
We need to put our hands together and say some prayers and let President Obama know he is moving in the wrong direction. We must bring faith, hope and kindness back to our country as our founding fathers wants for our United States of American, One Nation UNDER GOD!!!