I guess I will be an un-informed "conservative chicken" tonight because I cannot listen to his State of Address. I know it is my responsibility to be informed, but why should I because he lies, everything he promises is a boldface lie, perhaps it is his dream that goes up in smoke once the words come out of his mouth. I know all politicians exaggerate their ideas and many are professionals at getting us to believe what they say. But, this guy is an amazing falsehood tale telling human being. I am not watching the State of the Union speech simply so my blood pressure doesn't go through the roof. I know I would be yelling at the TV, so I am protecting my health - thank God I can at least be sure that I still have my health care coverage today ---- at least so far ----and knowing the infamious Obamacare hasn't changed anything. I do have a few ailments that are borderline and by some individual's perception knowing the plug could be pulled by Obamacare I could be history if some of my ailments took a turn for the worse. What a horrible thought!!!
I can't stand his arrogant snobbish attitude. More often than not I am seeing in the news the pose with his head tilted back, chin raised, eyes looking down his nose at the world, so I am sure my opinion of this Obama snob look is now a recognized banner. Who is he? He hasn't met the standard of life, experience, and wear and tear to even be eligible for the "holier than thou" statue.
One bright star to come from this State of the Union event will be the recognition of the two soldiers from Fort Hood. It's about time President Obama did something special for these two soldiers. He is so out of it, no experience in life, never owning or running a business or accomplishing anything in the business world, hanging around with totally very liberal individuals and not having any experience with military life - he doesn't get it, and he wouldn't even have an inkling about the life of a military family. Oh, I know, Michelle has buddied up to the military families and made promises. If she donated some of her expensive clothing or the cost of that clothing and accessories to the wives and children who have lost their loved ones in the war -that would be worthy of recognition of understanding their grief and loss - but talk is cheap, doing something without the world knowing is humbling, and I doubt that either Michelle or President Obama have ever done anything at all without making a big deal out of it.
I will watch Fox news tomorrow and follow the Tweets for the highlights and lowlights of tonight's fiasco. I'd rather save my health by not listening than put myself through the horror of hearing his voice, and please, if he didn't have his teleprompters he couldn't utter a complete thought. Having notes to refer to is one thing but the back and forth motion of his face is not the action of a good communicator. He's good at shouting out negative motivating speeches and sermons - sometimes - but other than that, he receives a D from me for his communicating skills.
I'll be relaxing and watching a good movie with a positive outcome, not the horror movie I know will come from tonight's State of the Union speech.