Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another Obama photo op

This morning while watching Fox News I experienced a disgusting emotion that I haven't felt in a very long time. As I relive the scene in my mind I am filled with a sickly pain in my stomach. President Obama was presiding at the return of one of our soldiers who had been killed in Afghanistan. He was lined up with our honorable soldiers at attention, made the salute as the flagged draped coffin was brought out of the air craft and carried away. He marched in line with the soldiers behind the coffin as the family followed several yards away.

He was out of place. I thought it would have been more appropriate for him to walk with the family and show compassion to them. But, no! He had to be a big show off. He has such a huge ego and lacks humility for what it takes to be a great leader. He was never a soldier nor has he ever fought in a war. He may be our Commander in Chief, but as a mother of a deceased soldier and also of a soldier who is now serving in the Army, I wouldn't want him to preside at any event having to do my military person's return home.

President Obama's presence and behavior to me seemed more appropriate as a photo op.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Freedom of Speech and a physicians reaction

I am a Fox News watcher. My favorite show is Bret Baier especially when Charles Krauthammer is on the panel. When I wake up in the morning, after I pour my cup of coffee I turn on the TV to the early morning news on Fox with Bill Hemmer.

I've watched the other news channels, CNN actually, never ever MSNBC now but I did many years ago when it was a brand new channel. There are several excellent news reporters on CNN in the morning especially Robin and Heidi Collins, both are terrific.

My greatest concern which is being reported now is the comments being made from people in the Obama administration and from President Obama himself about Fox News. Also, another report was mentioned about the government controlling the Internet. This is scary! I wonder if these controls are in the mindset of Obama to control what is said and who ever differentiates from his opinion they will be ruined, run out of town, and shut down. President Obama's tactics are so not far off from the ruler in Venezuela, Hugo Chavez. He shut down all but one broadcast station, but it may be down now because he was threatening to do so. The people who worked for that station talked against Chavez. There is no freedom there. Are we in for the same?

Opinions have been made that once people begin to see this conniving side of Obama, people would change their mind about his character. His character is now a switch from the man who swore he was for bringing people together from all sides of the political spectrum, but in truth, behind closed doors and among his cohorts he talks a different talk. The pleasant speaking, smiling, easy sense of humor is changed into a vile and distasteful dictator. We have been given a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as a president, with side kicks who come with a point of view not for a Democracy but a Dictatorship.

I am fearful today as I write my opinion because we know they are previewing blogs, twitter, and other social networks. I do not approve of the government controlling the Internet - guidelines, perhaps but I don't want their hand in it - at least not the Obama Administration, or really any government department.

Regarding the subject of a physician's reaction, I recently asked a dear friend who has been a physician for a long time his opinion about the meeting at the White House with the doctors and President Obama. I can't mention what he said but will say his verbal expression was shocking. I do know for a fact what he, as an excellent physician wants for his patients is definitely not what President Obama is preaching that doctors are asking. It would be interesting to know who President Obama is talking to in the health care industry.

I hope the Republicans will be elected back as a solid balance in the Congress and in the White House and can overturn this pile of crap we've been forced to accept as law. We need a strong leader like Newt Gingrich was back in the 90s.

Let's hope and pray! The Democrats have been in control too long. And, I think many have forgotten they were there in numbers when President Bush was in office. Maybe, this time will be their time out!

Monday, October 12, 2009

White House accuses Fox News

White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn, appearing on CNN brings out the big guns against Fox News. Read about it here.

Doesn't the Obama Administration have better things to do than infringe on our freedom of speech and choice? Perhaps Fox has hit a nerve or truth on Obama's plans and has the administration scared.

Friday, October 9, 2009

What!! Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize?

Ouch! I gave myself a headache as I responded very verbally and loudly with my disdain and shock after hearing the news on Fox News this morning on the Bill Hemmer Morning Show. Good grief!

Then, after taking a couple of low grade aspirin I decided to check out my favorite blogs, Legal Insurrection (here) and the Professor put it all into context - although his article didn't relieve the pain of the shock which resulted in a huge headache.

I've come to the conclusion which is probably a "duh" statement anyhow - the Nobel Peace Prize committee is comprised of mostly liberals. Why wouldn't they award the prize to Ronald Reagan for the Berlin Wall coming down? Yet, they gave it to Jimmy Carter and major green hypocrite Al Gore. I dunno!

Our country is going to pot big time, and the guy in the White House is getting awards, how ironic is that?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Charles Krauthammer revealed the truth......

I can't imagine my political world without Charles Krauthammer's opinion page first and foremost my very favorite. Don't want to miss him on Fox News in the afternoon with Bret Bauer and have to have my Sunday fix of Charles column in the Viewpoint section of the newspaper. And here he is giving us another tidbit of information that we may never have been told. I got the lead from a Twitter source and went to the link here.

Our President is so full of himself, in his mind he would rather receive all the glory than do the right thing for our country at the right time. Maybe he just doesn't know any better. I've said all along, and I keep saying it to the point I know my husband is sick of hearing it, the man is just not qualified to be President. Why is he there? Why can't we get him out of there before he absolutely ruins the USA? The Dems wanted to impeach George Bush for much less of nothing. But, this guy is really stupid!!!!

I just hope the Good Lord is looking out for us, because we sure do need some help and common sense. Thanks again to Charles Krauthammer for keeping us in the light!