I know there are many more important issues to discuss, but I wanted to be easy and not so aggressive since this is Holy Saturday and I do need to be nice, really I do. This pizza and White House story is just too big for me to ignore.
First of all, I have to disclose that I know someone who knows the chefs and cooks at the White House very well. In fact, he has sent me photos of some of the staff. Being aware of that business, I know they HAVE to be good at their jobs, I know the background of their training and the competition they go through to keep their job. Remember when Hilliary and Bill came to office, I think Hilliary pretty well cleared everyone out - not so with Michelle. We've all see photos where she is right there in the kitchen with the chefs.
However, when the pizza man Pi came to town with his cheese, special sauce and selected dough packed away in his suitcase, my thought wondered right away how the chef and cooks felt with a new cook in their kitchen. As for me, I'm personally very protective of my cooking space! But, of course, President Obama is their boss, and the team is the top of the line and they are the best in their career. There's none better than those who take care of the President - as it should be! I am sure they relinquished their space but pitched right in and helped where they could - that's
When I first heard the hoopla on Fox News (it's the only cable news network we watch) the reports were President
Obama's choice to pick a pizza man from St. Louis rather than hometown Chicago. There will always be differences of opinion as to where the best pizza maker is, whether its from Philly, St. Louis and Chicago, and New York too. So, President Obama selected a guy named Pi from St. Louis to make pies for his friends last night. I'm not Italian but in southern Ohio we were friends with a LOT of Italians and do have lots of Italian friends today, and I love pizza - especially from Metro Pizza here. But, a guy named Pi? I checked out his website, it looks rather oriental to me - but you be the judge, here's the
link. The pizza as per President Obama judgement is very good. I would like to get a poll of opinions from the Pizza Party attendees too.
Well, it was Good Friday for us Catholics and for those that were observing - we don't eat meat on Good Friday. It seemed sort of odd to me after celebrating Passover Seder with the Jewish community on Thursday he would be respectful of the Catholics, couldn't he have put the Pizza Party off one night but oh well, that's just my thinking.
Here's another interesting website I found
here - I didn't know existed. It is a
web page with all the things President Obama likes, for example,
ick! I wonder if someone created a page of likes and dislikes for President George Bush and Laura - I would be more interested in their food preference especially since President Bush does his entertaining via his bar-b-ques!
My post is shallow today, talking about a pizza man named Pi making pizza for a guy named Obama. I'm not suggesting that
Pi's pizza aren't good, because there's some good food in St. Louis, but its an ironic contradiction in my Polish, Irish, German opinion.